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Quality Check Bellow Cleanroom Header
Flexible elements for semiconductor production
We manufacture components for production plants of the semiconductor industry in clean rooms created specifically for this purpose.

Microelectronic and semiconductor production

Semiconductor technology, i.e. the production of electronic products based on semiconductor materials is one of the most important industrial sectors globally today. The production of microprocessors or memory chips relies to a great extend on the use of the most demanding chemical-physical processes, such as etching, cleaning and coating processes. It would not be possible to manufacture these without our flexible elements.

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For microelectronic and semiconductor production

  • Non-fatigue metal bellows for vacuum valves
  • diaphragm bellows with the highest flexibility
  • Flexible metal hoses for applications requiring extreme cleanliness
  • Precision bellows/actuators for optical applications
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High-grade production infrastructure

  • Diverse automated and manual plants for watery component cleaning
  • Vacuum drying to meet the highest standards for component residual moisture
  • Autonomous production environment with clean rooms up to class 5 acc. to ISO 14644
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Quality from the global market leader

To ensure the quality of our components, we offer all standard component tests even under clean room conditions:

  • Leak test by means of helium leak test
  • Visual surface inspection by means of UV light
  • Analysis of metallic and organic particles
  • Qualification of gas emission behaviour

An individual, clean room-compatible package allows our products to be brought onto the market directly.

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There is nothing like direct contact. We will gladly take the time for a personal discussion and answer your questions individually.

Mr. Frank Drechsler

Manager Technology and Innovation


Tel.: +49 7231-581-8504
